Thursday, November 30, 2006
hi gusy this is just a random post.. lazy to type long post so yea.. cldnt walk for the past few days coz pulled my hamstring so was walking around holding stuff tt i cld.. i hope i can get well soon.. anw i was screaming and crying in the doctor's rm so yea.. was quite embarasssing bt when it was SO pain who wld care man! haha.. yups.. tt for this few days.. cldnt go out so yea.. :)i never like to be the substitute for anyone. ( tt was random=X)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
had my long awaiting grad nite on fri... i was too lazy to update tts why this post is only out now... it was very fun.. i went down to raffles place there first and then went upstairs to get my make up and the hair stylist to go do my hair and stuff... then aft tt i was kinda embarassed to walk around with tt make up of mine and tt WOAH hairstyle.. so yea.. then i changed into my evening gown and then my uncle sent me to hyatt.. luckily when u went there i saw carmen and the rest... so wont few so awkward.. then aft tt met chris.. then we went around to give the remaining invitations then at the same time took lots of pictures... then our last pic we took b4 we entered for the dinner was taken by miss teo... geez.. then the dinner started with talks and stuff.. the food was not bad.. and then we played game and i was laughing liek mad when yowie went up to play... then there was a lucky draw time.. was telling my frens tt if i didnt rmb wrongly i have NEVER got lucky draw in MY LIFE BEFORE! then as i was eating i heard my no. being called bt i hesitated for awhile.. then i realised it was my no. .. i guess i was dreaming.. and so aft tt i went up front very unglamly to get my prize:P.. wooppss.. it was a swatch watch.. then ate till i was very full.. made a fool of myself when i thought the dessert was corn soup=.= .. coz it was yellow ma.. cant blame me.. i only realised it when i smelt the mango thinggy.. then aft tt we had disco and then we went out to take lots of pictures.. and i really mean LOTS of pictures.. below is some of it.. will upload somemore as i get them.. ps. the more crazy ones will be coming soon.. await! and those who took pics with me send the pics to me yea:)

Monday, November 20, 2006
went for expensive dinner ystd night.. it was at Changi Golf Club.. sounds good right.. bt it turned out nt as gd as i expected it to be.. and guess wat?? i ate the first oyster IN MY LIFE! coz my dad was like saying everything must try so i forced myself to eat.. also on the account tt my cousins also ate it lorh.. let me tell u.. i almost PUKED! okok.. maybe it is nice to some bt confirm NOT TO ME! then gt this wierd lookin soup or paste.. dun even noe wat is it.. it was like a green paste.. we kinda forced it in too.. it taste alright.. bt the colour is scary... so my two cousins, bro and i ate it with our eyes close:P then aft kor had to rush back to camp so we kinda rushed off... then i was like on TOKYO DRIFT la! my dad drive so fast.. and then it was raining.. made it worse.. bt was quite exciting:P like turn left turn right.. haha.. COOL MAN! then in the end bro was still late so yea lorh.. kanna scolded.. poor thing.. then had paper this morning.. was quite ok bt made a careless mistake.. went out with chris and her sis.. went through much hardship when i was getting my hair done.. was quite funny also ba.. haha.. then went for dinner with dad then back home.. play game then HERE I AM! then like tt lorh.. yups.. tata..
Thursday, November 16, 2006
FOUR MORE DAYS! and everything wold be over! wa! i cant wait man.. seriously.. the papers have been ok so far.. made lots of damn stupid mistakes which cost me like damn loads of marks! argh! can u imagine aft mon we can go wherever we want... wah.. freedom im seeing u somewhere already.. went to to church to study this few days.. was quite fun and thanks joachim for the coach.. heheXD still got 3 more papers to go.. haiz.. bt its ok.. thinkin of when o's haven begin it was bout two weeks when it is gonna end bt now its ONLI four days more.. compared tot he two weeks of course... bt actually arh i think aft fri paper i start to play liao lorh:P sorry la bt.. ai ya u shld noe.. TTS ME! hope i do well and GOD help me! looking forward to the activities waiting for me.. lots of things to do and buy:)
Monday, November 13, 2006
aft dinner i went to subway to get a sandwich and also to get my bro one.. went in and then theres this guy serving me bt i was abit embarassed coz dun really noe how to order... then was asking him bout thing then aft tt i kinda realised he was quite cute heheXD then we were like joking around and stuff.. was quite nice ba.. then aft tt i went back into the car and was on my way to the airport to go pick my bro up.. was waiting and at the same time i was reading my hist tb.. dun waste time ma.. then i fin reading about a chapter liao then he came out=.= then aft tt sent his fren home then we go home lo.. watched a show with my bro and parents then aft tt did abit of amath revision then go zzz.. about 2 smthg ba.. then i realised im so dead this morning coz i JUST started revising! im SO dead.. coz tml is am and the next day is acc! the two most sucky subs of mine.. then i see how lorh.. try lorh.. if cnnt the most die only ma.. muahaha.. damn scared bt anw one more week and im done! wa! hehe :P
Thursday, November 09, 2006
guess wat.. i quarelled with my dad again last night about 2.45 am like tt ba.. now having cold war again.. dun wanna say about it la.. make me more angry only.. anw today i have no paper and so far the papers were ok until ystdy when i took my phy paper! argh! eng paper was fine and i took advice from ms yip and i hope i can do much better then my prelims.. its a MUST coz its ENG and nt CHI! phy paper was damn crappy for me.. it is the worse paper i have done so far or at least i hope it IS goin to be the worse coz afterall its over liao.. i presume it is so gonna pull my chem marks down liao.. it is like bloody hell whole paper theory la! then i go take the effort to rmb the formula then less than 5 came out! bt it may good for me coz i quite lousy at manipulating one.. bt i gt try at least i think:P haha shall update on my em paper 2 tml ba.. heheXD this few days cnnt slp at night.. always about 2am or ltr then can slp coz sick then glu and cough tts why cnnt slp! so dao mei.. out of all times NOW! think aft o's will recover de.. maybe is play until forget ba! haha!--------------------------------------------------101106was drenched when i went to sch today coz i dun have the habit of bringing and DUN like to bring umbrella around.. wen to sch wet and my classmates were kinda all staring at me la.. i think i will be more sick coz WAS and then go in the rain somemore.. carmen and sam ask me go dry myself bt i lazy.. :P anw so yea.. went to church aft EM paper 2 today.. i thought the paper was kinda difficult.. spent like 15 or more on a damn qn which is like bloody hell 2m?!? bt luckily is i fin all first then go back.. lucky to the last min i still manage to get it:) aft tt went to church attended mass then went for dinner with chris and then back to church.. dear chris suppose to leave at about 8 or 9 like tt bt ended up leaving same time as us! coz its fun right.. muahaha.. dun deny.. we had LOADS and LOADS of fun.. seriously.. very long nv have so much fun le.. gabby laimeng clarissa samlee eun angie and jerome.. we had lots of fun.. whee..! enjoyed myself alot.. came back about 11.30pm ba.. haha.. and yups i gt my shoes ready le.. so cute! heheXD my cousins wld noe it.. its cute!
Monday, November 06, 2006
its time to update liao lorh.. i suppose i almost died for the last few days and IS dying now.. slept damn late for the last few days.. slept at about 4am on fri night and about 3am on sat night.. coz mon got exam so had to sleep early on sun.. about 1am ba.. and guess wat.. I'M SICK! this is damn crap la.. gt headache, cough, flu and wateva u can think of getting during such a crucial time LIKE THIS! during the 3 hour break in between today i was suppose to study chem bt i was SO FREAKIN TIRED tt when i was sitting with chris i fell asleep! so shiok right.. then coz must sit and sleep then i cross i leg then keep having leg cramps so keep waking up.. had to walk around to keep myself awake sia.. now my eyes look like this sia =.= then chris was thinkin bout wat to do aft o's during em paper and guess wat i thought about.. GANGSTERISM?!?! i mean i also dunno why bt tts true.. todays EM and SS paper was quite ok.. i hope i dun have CARELESS mistake and SS i thought tt its source base was kinda tough abit.. other than tt its ok ba.. later i have to go study chem and im so gonna die le.. im having a damn bad sore throat so i cant talk ppl.. quite bad yea.. wish myself gd luck lo.. tata!-----------------------------------------------071106today's chem was fine i suppose.. at least it was easier than the prelims or coz prelims i nv study lo:P.. damn sick.. today came home and then dad gave me so dunno wat kinda liang teh or some chinese herbal medicine to drink.. it SUCKS! i had a damn hard time trying to finish it.. then i dun want bt was forced to fin it.. been sneezing the whole DAMN day! got cough and sore throat somemore so i cant slp! so i gt nt enough slp... then i can study only better at night so i look like a panda NOW! argh! now there is a whole pile of tissue beside my bed.. wah im so dead.. hope i get better for the next few days or i'll die! (hahaz just kiddin.. im strong.. dun worry.. muahaha) dun exactly have much appetite this few days coz stress and sick.. hope i can lose weight coz nt eating much:P hehez.. dad also ask me to bathe in the bath tub with hot water coz of flu and i was happily playing with water.. woopss ;P flu might get worse coz nt exactly hot and was nt fully submerged.. muahaha :P
Thursday, November 02, 2006
shall update while waiting for my show to start... hmm.. wat shld i say today.. o's are drawing closer and i becoming more and more scared.. THNX guys for all the exam wishes yea.. to u ppl too! rmb we all will jia you now and then we will go MAD aft tt kay.. promise?!? haha.. lots of things are waiting for me to do.. but must pass the exam part first lo.. kind feel 24 hrs now like nt enough sia... i wanna PLAY! waa! gd luck to all those out there piah-ing this last lap of their secondary sch life.. JIA YOU! ur my deepest blue.. and i'm dreaming now.. walkin on the moon.. and i dunno how to reach u baby and everytime i try to move closer..
how i wish.. so sweet right.. aww =) too bad tts nt me.. heheXD