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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My blog is so gonna die if i dun update anymore... i shall do it while i have the time now.. before i start wat i wanna type i shall wish my DEAR wife HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope you enjoyed ur little surprise from us!=)

okok i shall say about today's surprise... there was quite a number of times where the plan got so screwed that i was gettting so frustrated alr.. luckily i tried to get things right and everything went on smoothly... although it was a surprise, i was VERY nervous and scared myself coz i scared it wldnt be gd enough or smthg wld go wrong or smthg heheXD bt thank God everything went smoothly and thnx all those who were present and this includes clement aini sx rj rastus rasmus and of course CHRISTABEL!! =) we surprise fin le we go eat pizza hut and then shop for et pressie=) then aft tt went down to sam's hse for another surprise party BBQ and then came home about 1115pm i guess.. just hope everyone enjoyed themselves tdy!! ;)

throughout my entire hols actually i was quite occupied... worked for about 1.5 weeks then went out with ppl like sx, chris, rj, sf, shawn, jh, melmel, becks etc. the hols was made to gd use and some special things i did was tt i went for my FIRST overnight cycling with rj sf and shawn and it was VERY fun!! just tt my butt hurts ALOT aft tt heheXD a gd exp and i guess i dun mind going again!! okok tts all for now and update soon!=)

11:52 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
im back to blog!!! if nt my blog is so gonna die.. okok i shall start slowly...

----Sat 14/03/08-----
Went over to fajar early in the morning and like woke up at 6am was dam tiring... somemore the night before i cnt slp.. it made things worse.. i took the super long train ride and UBER long lrt ride was killing me and i gt there about 745am then was too scared to go to the court so was loitering around the playground there then see them warm up at the little corner there.. then waited like so long b4 they actually started but i still dun dare go the court and sit coz paiseh ma.. then in the end my leg very suan liao then since zs sit the side so i go sit there also lorh heheXD
the weather was very good tt day i guess then got abit sunburn from it.. the competition was ok la i guess apart from all the injuries they all got and all tt fouls tt were NT caught by tt kuku head referee it was alright i guess.. a little disappointing for nt clinching the top 3 bt as long as they had fun ok le lo.. haha the star of the day shld be sf ba.. his block tt day was WA! and followed by his 3 pt.. in tt noisy fat guy's face was the best.. hah! aft the comp they play play abit then sit down rest and talk then discuss wat to do aft tt lo.. suppose to go 10,000bc campfire de so wanted to go out with them till night so discuss liao i wait for them at void deck for rj and sf to bathe fin then we go meet shawn ang.

aft tt we go bp plaza i think then met shawn and this other guy i think call huilong or smthg.. dunno his name la he gt many many.. then frm there they see dunno wat slippers then xbox console then see graphic card then go buy some green apple bubbletea then went foodcourt to eat lunch coz non of us ate lunch yet.. rj ate curry veg with rice, sf ate curry veg with noodles and bread and shawn too.. the other guy ate some rice with liao then i ate jap food!! all nt bad i guess.. then went off to bukit timah there go play pool=) and yes i was the loser of the day who did nt win any.. and i 100% plus cho with guarantee sf is tyco win de!! haha they caught the little ultraman toy for me with tt catching machine outside lol..

aft tt we ate pizza hut there also coz we scared causeway pt there many ppl no seat so they ate again.. so full la in the end i ate a little bit only and rj cn still say i all day hungry! kuku bird... then aft tt we waited for cab in the rain and no cab was coming and we were gonna be late for movie!!! finally one came and we boarded.. they insisted to watch coming soon.. and i was like dam scared bt they insist.. so i insisted on NT sitting at the side so was in between sf and rj and the ultraman toy was in my face like more than half the time.. throughout the show sf was like telling me when the ghost was coming out all and i pracitcally jumped for one part la kuku bird he nv tell me roar! then rj beside me happily eating popcorn all so noisy... oh ya and i was FREAKIN cold!! then aft tt go home le... they wanted to l4d bt rj want watch caicaicai so we plan 1am play de bt by then sf fall aslp liao.. i dunno hw tt happens bt he just did.. then super tired go slp le=)

----sun 15/03/09-----
woke up rather late bt nt very late la was kinda half awake when i woke up.. coz i needed go church ma so 10 smthg have to wake up le.. so proud of myself la i went alone.. woohoo! realise go alone although lonely bt since no one to talk to also will pay more attention so is gd=) aft tt bought lunch home and my naughty little cousins came over today.. goodness gracious.. wasnt too bad ba i ate fin my lunch then do abit thing then too tired go back slp le..

woke up then since sebbs ask me go 10,000bc camp night i go lorh.. freakin bus took me like 1hr is all the way at marine parade!! yao le wo de ming... then the bus uncle also blur blur luckily i base on my memory ask him was it the stop he just missed then he say "errr just nw down there like gt one sec sch.." then i was like -.- ok nvm i gt down the next stop and walk back.. the stop like quite far.. then msg sebbs thought i lost my way la.. then called jerome ask him come pick m frm gate=)

the night was great.. they had night trust walk bt i nv participate then had affirmation, washing of feet and mini p&w... had to catch uup with my dear wife and the affirmation really brought us closer i guess.. i nv regret going down although it took me like 1hr!! roar!! then coz it ended like 12 like tt ate supper there which i think i gt food poisoning then coz i nv eat dinner so i ate like 2 bowls and here i am dying... then sherwin drive me home then use com awhile then go slp le=)

tts all about it this weekend and i hope to blog more often!! =)

11:00 PM
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Haven had so much fun in 2 days straight liao..

ystd went to jurong point with jh and rj.. called sx but she cld not leave bcomm coz teacher dun allow sad case.. then we went jurong pt eat pizza hut for lunch.. they ate curry baked rice i ate beef lagsane (hmm did i spell it correctly?) and then we walked around DAMM long just to get their presssies.. guys shop really very long too! so tired leh by the end of the day.. then in the end gt a shirt and chain frm spade for rj and we went off to lot 1 to eat dinner coz by then jurong point too crowded le=) we ate ljs then walk abit more went home le lo... the way home for me VERY long.. haha bishan to cck or bp is really too much lol!

tdy went to meet zw rj and jh bt was late coz needed to stay home to do the stupid eba haha.. played mahjong at jh house watched this funny anime then left home to meet the rest le.. had about 11 ppl went for the dinner celebration.. the food was not bad.. then went to mambo to play pool.. left only about 8 of us playing in the end.. had great games with rj shonfan shawn jh zw yy sx.. was quite fun though i was noobb... sry for the burden my partners! lol.. had a great day with ur and...


12:05 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Today has been one of the worse day of my life!! everything started ystd midnight... i was doing my fit late at night becoz i only gt it at night so was trying to edit and make everything nice nice then had to print somemore... aft submission... our grp's project exceeded the plagiarism limit!! wat was worse was that i was very angry with someone while doing the proj and aft i realised tt our project was so screwed i started panicking! wat made it worse was tt i had no one there to share my thoughts with!! luckily davin and suj haven slp yet... was talking to them although we cnt change anymore bt at least i cld share it with my teammates... much thnx to both of them.. although we didnt talk much bt it really helped me feel more at ease then..

i had to do executive summary ystd nite also coz if not sx gt no time to fin tonight so i stayed up rather late doing the summary.. i was so affected by my project tt i didnt even have the mood to do the summary anymore but since it was over and i cn do nthg about it i just went on and did my summary.. when i went to bed my whole body was so tensed because i worry and gan jiong then it took me quite awhile to get some slp..

morning had to meet for IS then in the end i late then tio scolding from my fren which didnt make my morning start well.. then went to class and ask my teacher if i can leave early coz i had smthg on in the aftnoon at 315pm then in the end i gt scolding frm her saying i every week ask to leave early which is true but its my fault la so ya.. so in the end i waited until all grps fin presenting then i leave WITHOUT even doing my interview then i left le.. in the end i cab down to ssdcl and wasted my $13.50 then they didnt allow me to take the test!! like WTh! i so angry coz i first get scolding frm teacher, then i left without doing my interview then i wasted money on cab and worse still i nv even get to take the test forfeiting my money!!

at tt pt of time all the f words were in my mind bt i must just control and not saying it! i noe it wld feel dam shiok if i was to say but i shall control.. i still feel like venting now!! FFFFFF!! haiya.. anw i cool down abit le so as wat wilson and rastus was consoling me.. normally gd stuff happens aft a day of bad stuff so lets just hope tml will be better! pls.. really...

5:14 PM
Thursday, January 01, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! went to meet perry chris xavier sam greg jerome gerald etc for dinner although i ate liao.. coz we are going to go to dwayne's house for countdown ltr.. went to eat at dragon steamboat there then ltr chris followed me go buy the ipod adapter but in the end they nv sell=(

we waited for addison and mel at the bus stop before taking bus to dwayne's house.. we wwent there about 11 plus then there was many ppl le.. we counted down then had party poppers all then we played games till like morning 5 plus then darren and willy sent me and sasa home..

it has been awhile ever since i played so much with them le keke.. slept awhile during the game coz really very tired la coz just came back ystd morning.. then i woke up eat fruit cake then apy and say wat i was in hibernation just now and coz i took the whole plate of fruit cake they say now i wake up to EAT!! blaugh.

Anw... 2008 has been a meaningful year to me and i have learnt alot from everything tt happened during that year.. hope 2009 wld be a better year for everyone!! =)

4:56 PM