Sunday, July 22, 2007
Pain! argh.. went sentosa with my darling today... it was some living sancutary church thinggy.. darling's fren ask her go then she ask me go then i go lorh.. got sun burnt sia! lol.. rastus and rasmus is also from that church too.. met them and gary there also..
at first we went there then play water and crossed the bridge then went to the other side and there were fishes! darling was scared but in the end she went into the water.. brave sia.. *applause* overcome phobia leh.. then ate the lunch box then ate nacho cheese.. then aft tt we went to play water again, then soon aft we started to play with ras and his frens.. his frens are kinda nice ppl i suppose.. they started to dig 2 big holes then tried to connect it with a tunnel but aft much effort they gave up le, quite sad but oh wells its their choice.. at least they know they have tried and wont regret=)
Then the ras brothers kept pulling our legs in the water la! then my poor darling so scared tt she hug me like some koala bear like tt.. LOL.. so funny.. we had lots of fun la heheXD then aft everything we went to vivo bk to eat dinner then rastus, dunno-who and rainer tried to do funny things to us can! haha i shall not go into details bt we arent tt silly! we wont fall into the same trick twice! blaugh! =P
went back to tp coz darling didnt wanna take mrt to bishan le coz ALOT of ppl so we dropped off at bishan then i bought some stuff then we went back le.. coz VERY tired le aft a LONG day of fun.. lol.. k ba tts all for now folks.. wld try to update soon! ;)