met nisha and joined her for fmgt lect.. soon enough rj and suj came so ask them sit with us=) then came sx bt she sat behind.. suddenly nisha ask me take pic then i shock bt i say ok.. i was crazy throughout the whole time and nisha bully me!! Lol.. and i was playing with her nice long eye lash too! whoops! and coz rj accidentally draw on me, he had this "X-men" label in return hahaha..

went for ECD tut and i was sot-er!! laughed until my abs hurt like no body's business while suj was playing with rj's msn and i was the one who started to talk to anybody i cld find on his msn.. was freakin funny! so fun can!! then davin bought balls and tutu kueh for me and sx and some mysterious person ate my only nougat! stupid gay...
during break suppose to go donate blood with sx and rj de bt in the end sx and i nt 18 so cnt only left rj and i manage to persuade him go.. then he did it in the end although SOME mishaps happened..
Qn: Have u ever had abortion?
Ans: No. (U can? lol!)
Qn: Do u noe AIDS can be transmitted through blood?
ANS: No. (Confirm u dunno!! lol..)
In the end donate fin le so proud of u! I wld be dam scared if i was him.. gd job! in the gt this cert then forgot his raisin and milo-.- he gave me the blood drop tt he used to squeeze the blood out or watsoever de.. its in a shape of a blood drop dam fat and cute=)
then rushed home to meet my darling and ame and we ate long john!! so nice=) aft tt we went to play arcade and shop for present! 3 ppl play the drumania can u believe it!! its stupid bt we had fun! WE can ALL forget our unhappiness then=)
went home separately and here i am! oh ya! i realise r/s wont work if one party keeps things to oneself and refuse to share.. the other party WONT noe hw u feel or wat went wrong so ur shld open up and CLEAR UP THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS! dun wait till its too late ya;)