Monday, July 14, 2008
wanted to blog about this earlier but just dun have the feel to lol..
had ecd bazaar ystd.. i wld say it was a failure totally.. not to be biased or wat bt i think its the organizers that did not do a gd job in promoting the event before that and the location was rather bad.. many suffered losses honestly... we were ALL freakin tired aft the entire day was over and nt all of us went straight home to slp.. actually to be honest my grp made a loss as well if it was not for my cousin.. sigh... however i thought it was quite fun bt just SUPER tiring...
aft all these proj and stuff im rather tired from all of it.. just wish tt maybe next time i wld STOP taking lead or major role in the grp.. its rather tiring and im sick of it too.. im sure im nt the only bt it applies to all those who often take on main roles within the grp.. the responsibility might just crush u to death at times.. sigh..
these were some pics i took while i was too bored.. enjoy!